RFP Annual Financial Audit PY24 Bids received after 12:00pm Noon Thursday, January 6, 2025 will be returned, unopened to the bidder, and will not be considered by Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board, Inc.Bid award will be sent from Central Oklahoma…
Mission: Life Launch
Mission: Life Launch On October 21st and 22nd, more than 600 high school sophomores from eight schools gathered at Firelake Arena in Shawnee for Mission: Life Launch, a two-day event designed to teach students vital life skills. They participated in…
COWIB Seeking Financial Audit Proposals – Cancelled
The Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board (COWIB) is seeking proposals for an annual financial audit of our Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs. This audit will include a review of our financial statements, compliance with federal and state regulations,…
OSO Requests for Proposals
OSO Requests for Proposals – COWIB, GCWDB, SCOWIB, & WOWDB Requests for Proposals are all due by October 2, 2024 by 2PM CST. Proposals should be delivered or mailed to:Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation BoardAttn: Ashley Sellers3813 N Santa Fe, Ste…
Requests for Proposals
Requests for Proposals Requests for Proposals are all due by August 19, 2024 by 3PM CST. Proposals should be delivered or mailed to:Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation BoardAttn: Ashley Sellers3813 N Santa Fe, Ste 135Oklahoma City, OK 73118
RFP Forensic Financial Audit GCWDB
RFP Forensic Financial Audit GCWDB Questions due by 9/26/23 and Proposals due 10/19/23.
TeamLogic – Employer and Employee Success
TeamLogic – Employer and Employee Success We were able to sit down and talk to TeamLogic IT about how they have enjoyed being a business partner with COWIB. The amount of care and concern that they have for their employees…
Seeking Proposals for OSO
Seeking Proposals for OSO for Green Country Looking to receive proposals for One Stop Operator for Green Country Workforce. Proposal issue date was October 4, 2022, deadline for receipt of completed proposals is October 28, 2022 at noon CST. For…
Public Opening of Sealed Bids
Due: Public Opening of Sealed Bids 3:30 pm CDST August 4, 2022 Proposers must submit one original (so marked, with original signatures) proposal, six (6) paper copies (for a total of seven response packages) and one (1) electronic copy (in…
Seeking Proposals to Conduct Audit
Seeking Proposals to Conduct Audit The Central Oklahoma Workforce Investment Board is seeking proposals from public accounting firms to conduct an audit for the 2021 program year. Looking to hire qualified firms with experienced in auditing programs financed by the…