Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual
Originally Approved: September 2023
Revised & Approved: February 2025
Management reserves the right to change guidelines of this manual without notice. Central Oklahoma Workforce Investment Board, dba Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board (COWIB) also reserves the right to terminate any of its benefit programs or to require or increase the premiums employees may be required to contribute to these programs at its discretion.
Employment is “at-will”. The information set forth in this manual should not be construed as a contract guaranteeing employment of any specific duration. Either the employee or the Board may terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause or notice. Further, no manager or other representative of the company, other than the Board’s Chief Executive Officer, may make any contracts, promises, or commitments contrary to the foregoing principles. Additionally, any contracts entered into, or promises or commitments made to any employee, shall not be enforceable, unless they are in writing and duly executed by the employee and Board’s Chief Executive Officer.
COWIB will abide by all nondiscrimination provisions which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions), national origin (including limited English proficiency), age, disability, political affiliation or belief, or, for beneficiaries, applicants, and participants only, on the basis of citizenship status or participation in a WIOA Title-I financially assisted program or activity (WIOA Section 188).
The Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board (COWIB) is responsible for establishing policies for its staff members. The Board employs the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), to whom it delegates responsibility for the day-to-day administration of the organization. The CEO manages COWIB staff using policies approved by the Board.
COWIB also serves as the Employer of Record for staff in other local workforce boards. While these staff members are employed through COWIB, they report directly to the Executive Director of their respective workforce areas.
COWIB staff members are accountable to the CEO, through whom communication to the Board is channeled, except in cases of complaints or grievances. Complaints or grievances will follow the grievance procedure outlined in these policies.
All staff members are encouraged to provide input and suggestions concerning the overall operation and programs of the Agency, following the proper channels of communication. Staff members should initially bring their comments to their supervisor and/or the CEO as appropriate.
COWIB operates in an “open door” manner. All staff input is considered and can be presented without fear of personal recrimination or retaliation of his/her position.
COWIB expects the primary interest of staff members to be the people we serve. A conflict of interest occurs when the interests of an employee or another outside party actually or potentially affect the Agency in a negative way.
OUTSIDE BUSINESS INTERESTS—Employees may have outside business interests and outside employment so long as these do not interfere with job performance. Employees may not earn profit from outside employment or business interests which directly results from affiliation with this Agency. Approval must be granted by the CEO to ensure that there is no conflict of interest.
GIFTS, GRATUITIES—Employees are not to accept gifts, gratuities, free trips, personal property, or other items from an outside person or organization as an incentive to provide services.
AWARD OF CONTRACTS AND SUBGRANTS—Employees may provide technical assistance to Board members in the evaluations of sub-grants, but may not participate in the evaluation of any Request for Proposals that would result in a sub-grant recipient. The CEO will be responsible for ensuring all contracts resulting from non-sealed bid procurements are awarded according to the COWIB policy on contracting and procurement. The CEO is authorized to sign all contracts on behalf of COWIB. The Local Area Executive Directors are authorized to sign contracts on behalf of their respective boards.
See Appendix A: Code of Ethics.
All inquiries from the media should be referred to the CEO or the Local Area Executive Director, as appropriate. An employee may not speak to the media as an official or unofficial spokesperson of the Agency without prior clearance from the CEO or the Local Area Executive Director.
Should an employee receive a media inquiry, they should respond:
“I do not have the authority to respond to your request. Please refer your question to the CEO or the Local Area Executive Director.”
Employees will, to the best of their ability, ensure confidentiality and privacy regarding the history, records and discussions about the people we serve. Any information pertaining to an individual served by this Agency must be kept private and confidential, including the fact the individual is served by COWIB. Disclosure of client information can only be made under specified conditions such as situations relating to fulfillment of COWIB’s mission or responding to subpoenas. This means that staff shall not disclose any information about a person to anyone outside of this organization unless authorized by the CEO or other authorized personnel or as authorized by cooperative agreements with agencies serving the same clients. The principle of confidentiality must be maintained in all programs, departments, functions, and activities.
No information requested by someone outside the Agency will be given over the telephone. Staff is instructed to respond with the statement: “COWIB policy does not permit me to give out information without written authorization.” This includes whether or not a person is being served or has been served by the Agency.
Before information is released, a release-of-information form will be explained and completed in the presence of the person about whom information has been requested.
Staff will not discuss any individual’s record with unauthorized individuals, whether on or off duty.
In consideration of the health of COWIB employees, this Agency is a tobacco-free work environment in accordance with Oklahoma state statute. Use of any tobacco product, including e-cigarettes, is prohibited on building property. Smoking is not permitted within fifteen (15) feet of any building entrance.
As representatives of COWIB, staff is expected to exhibit a neat, well-groomed, professional appearance. Employees are expected to dress in business casual attire unless the day’s tasks require otherwise. Appropriate workplace attire does not include clothing that is too tight or revealing or clothing with rips, tears or frays. Radical departure from conventional dress or personal grooming (including, but not limited to: excessively long hair, untrimmed facial hair, tank tops, shorts and shower-type flipflops) is not permitted.
If the supervisor or CEO decides determines that an employee is in violation of the dress code, the employee will be asked to go home and change on the employee’s own time.
All telephone calls will be handled in a courteous and business-like manner.
Personal calls during work hours should be kept to a minimum in order to not disrupt the daily work schedule. Frequent and/or extended phone calls during work hours may result in disciplinary action.
Employees are provided a computer with Internet and email capabilities. Email and Internet are an important means of conducting business communications and research. Employees should refrain from using the Internet and email for personal use or for use that is not business related. The use of social media is only permitted for work purposes.
Misuse of email and the Internet will not be tolerated. COWIB has the right, at any time, to access and monitor Internet and email usage on COWIB equipment.
See Appendix J: Computer Use Policy
See Appendix I: Social Media Policy
The success of COWIB is dependent on the trust and confidence earned from employees, clients, and stakeholders. Credibility is gained by adhering to our commitments, displaying honesty and integrity in reaching Agency goals through honorable conduct. Employees are expected to carry out the duties of their office or position in a manner that will uphold the integrity of Local, State and Federal government. COWIB employees shall comply with Oklahoma state laws, both on and off duty, and their conduct shall be governed by the policies set out in this document.
An employee’s conduct towards co-workers is a critical element in the effective operation of Agency business and morale. COWIB is committed to creating an environment where all individuals are treated with dignity and respect. Therefore, appropriate action will be taken if an employee is disrespectful to a co-worker or impedes the spirit of teamwork necessary for overall operational effectiveness.
COWIB expects all employees to observe the highest standards of ethics and integrity in their conduct. This means following the basic code of ethical behavior outlined in Appendix A. All COWIB staff is required to sign the Agency Code of Ethics.
See Appendix A: Code of Ethics
COWIB recognizes that employees may be required to use their personal vehicle to complete Agency business. Employees who use their personal vehicle for company business will be reimbursed based on the COWIB Travel policy.
COWIB employees will only be authorized to use personal vehicles to carry out COWIB business upon providing the following:
- A signed DMV record release form
- A valid driver’s license to be copied and added to the personnel file
- Proof of insurance
- Proof of insurance will be provided two times per year based on the effective dates of the policy
Employees are required to possess a valid driver’s license in good standing, and the license held must be valid for the type of vehicle being used.
- If an employee has his/her license revoked or suspended, COWIB must be notified immediately. In this event, the employee shall immediately cease use of personal vehicles for business use.
All employees driving a personal vehicle to carry out business on behalf of COWIB will be responsible for using the vehicle in a safe and responsible manner and are to abide by all traffic laws.
- While on Agency business, drivers and passengers are required to wear a seatbelt at all times, with no exceptions.
- No vehicle operator shall drive a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Driving while taking a prescription medication that impairs alertness or causes drowsiness is prohibited.
Do not pick up hitchhikers or allow an unauthorized person to be a passenger in or to drive your vehicle while being used for agency business.
Use of all handheld devices such as cell phones, laptops, adjusting a Global Positioning Devise (GPS) or engaging in the direct or indirect use of any other potentially distracting technology while operating a personal vehicle while on duty is prohibited. Hands free technology is exempted from this policy as long as the hands-free technology involves complete hands-free use of the electronic device.
If an accident occurs while on Agency business, the employee is to report the accident to his/her supervisor as soon as possible.
COWIB does not provide additional insurance to protect the employee if any claim is made against him/her arising from his/her operation of a personal vehicle; nor is insurance provided by COWIB to cover repairs to an employee’s vehicle.
COWIB will not be held liable for any accidents, damages or losses incurred by employees while using a personal vehicle for business purposes.
COWIB will not reimburse any parking tickets, speeding tickets, or other fines/cost incurred while driving a personal vehicle for business purposes. Additionally, any costs associated with maintenance, fuel, vehicle breakdown, or damage incurred while driving a personal vehicle are covered in the General Services Administration (GSA) mileage rate and will not be reimbursed.
COWIB will follow Board approved travel policies.
See Appendix L: Travel Policies and Procedures
COWIB falls under the State of Oklahoma’s Drug-Free Workplace policy. The Agency will abide by the state policy.
See Appendix H: Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements
Due to possible liability implications to the Board resulting from accident or injury, the CEO may close the Agency due to inclement weather. The absence will be considered an excused absence and will not be charged to earned leave time. However, in cases where the CEO announces that all employees are expected to work remotely from home during inclement weather, business operations will proceed as usual.
For staff working in the other local areas, the Local Area Executive Director has the authority to make decisions regarding closures, remote work expectations, and excused absences for their respective area and staff.
In the event that inclement weather disrupts an employee’s ability to perform their work remotely, they should contact their immediate supervisor to discuss the circumstances. The CEO or the Local Area Executive Director, depending on the employee’s area of work, holds the authority to decide whether an employee should be granted an excused absence on inclement weather days.
Should an inclement weather closing occur while an employee is already on leave, he/she will not be entitled to additional wages or time off.
COWIB believes that equal opportunity for all employees is important for the continuing success of our organization. In accordance with State and Federal law, specifically those addressed by WIOA at 29 CFR § 38, COWIB will not discriminate against an employee or applicant for employment because of race, disability, color, creed, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions), age, national origin (including limited English proficiency), ancestry, citizenship, veteran status, political affiliation or beliefs, or any other non-job-related factors in hiring, promoting, demoting, training, benefits, transfers, layoffs, terminations, recommendations, rates of pay, or other forms of compensation. Opportunity is provided to all employees based on qualifications and job requirements.
COWIB provides a workplace of inclusivity and is committed to the fair and equal employment of persons with disabilities. It is COWIB policy to comply with state and federal laws and regulations concerning the employment of individuals with disabilities. Therefore, the Agency shall provide reasonable accommodation to qualified applicants and employees with a disability or disabilities to ensure nondiscrimination and equal opportunity to individuals with disabilities, unless it can be demonstrated that doing so would create undue hardship.
See Appendix Q: COWIB Policy on Providing Reasonable Accommodation to Individuals with Disabilities
See Appendix R: Request Form for Reasonable Accommodation
The COWIB established policy is to treat all employees equally in their terms and conditions of employment. COWIB has adopted a policy of “zero-tolerance” with respect to unlawful harassment of employees. In this regard, COWIB expressly prohibits any form of unlawful harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation or belief, or veteran status. The harassment of any employee is contrary to this policy. It may be considered a violation of federal and state law and will be considered justification for appropriate action up to and including termination of employment. This policy applies to all employees, agents, and non-employees who have contact with employees during working hours.
Examples of harassment may include any of the following (this list is not all-inclusive):
Verbal abuse or ridicule including epithets, derogatory comments, slurs or jokes, unwanted sexual advances, invitations, or comments.
Interference with an employee’s work including physical contact such as assault, blocking normal movement, or interference with work directed at an individual because of his/her gender or other protected status.
Displaying or distributing sexually offensive, racist, or other discriminatory materials. This includes derogatory emails, posters, cartoons, drawings, or gestures.
Discriminating against any employee in work assignments or job-related training. Unwelcome sexual advances including intimate physical contact.
Making sexual, racial, or derogatory innuendos.
Demanding favors (sexual or otherwise), explicitly or implicitly, as a condition of employment, promotion, transfer or any other term or condition of employment.
Retaliation for having reported harassment.
Procedure: It is every employee’s responsibility to ensure that his/her conduct does not include or imply harassment in any form. If, however, harassment or suspected harassment has or is taking place, the following will apply:
Any harassment or suspected harassment should be reported immediately to a supervisor. If an employee is not comfortable with reporting the matter to their supervisor, the harassment should be reported to the CEO.
If the harassment complaint involves the CEO, the complainant should contact the COWIB Board Chair. The complainant will be required to provide a written statement containing all pertinent facts.
For staff working in another local workforce area, any harassment or suspected harassment should be reported to their Local Area Executive Director. If the complaint is against the Local Area Executive Director, the complainant should contact that area’s Board Chair. From there, the Board Chair and the Board’s Executive Committee will work in conjunction with the COWIB CEO and the COWIB Executive Committee to address the matter.
The decision to terminate a Local Area Executive Director is solely the responsibility of that area’s board. However, COWIB reserves the right to end its Employer of Record agreement with the local workforce area should there be cause.
The CEO shall investigate each complaint, and a determination of the facts will be made on a case-by-case basis. The CEO will then take appropriate action, up to and including termination, for COWIB staff.
The COWIB Executive Committee will be responsible for investigating or deciding the action to be taken when the CEO is the subject of the complaint.
Information obtained in the course of the investigation shall be kept confidential to the maximum extent possible and practical while allowing for a full investigation. Results of the investigation will only be provided to the parties involved in the complaint and to those persons with a need-to-know basis per their responsibilities to COWIB.
The CEO shall maintain the investigative files, including the complaint. If the complaint is against the CEO, the files will be kept in a location deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.
Any disciplinary action taken will be documented in the employee’s personnel file.
COWIB will not tolerate harassment or any form of retaliation against an employee who has either reported or cooperated in an investigation of alleged harassment. Violation of this provision may result in termination.
COWIB fills job openings with qualified applicants. Before a vacancy is announced or recruitment begun, the CEO will review the current job duties. If the duties of the position have changed significantly, or if a new position is funded, the CEO will review and/or develop a position description listing the title, specific job duties along with the skills, knowledge, and abilities required to successfully carry out the job functions.
For staff positions within a local workforce area, the Local Area Executive Director is responsible for reviewing and developing the position description for their area, ensuring it aligns with the specific needs of their workforce board.
The following paragraphs summarize the major elements of COWIB’s hiring practices:
- Internal Hiring Preference: Job openings are filled by qualified persons from within the Agency when possible. Preference is given to internal candidates over external candidates when both are equally qualified. However, internal candidates are not guaranteed the positions for which they apply. Current COWIB staff applying for other positions within the Agency must meet all qualification requirements for the position.
- Job Postings: When filling vacancies, a notice of the position will be listed with Oklahoma Works- American Job Centers and published on the COWIB website and other relevant sources.
- Relocation Costs: COWIB is not responsible for employee relocation costs.
- Hiring Criteria: When hiring staff, consideration will be given to the education, experience, and qualification requirements of the position.
- Hiring Authority: The CEO is responsible for hiring COWIB employees and for ensuring that equal opportunity practices are followed throughout the recruitment process. For staff in local workforce areas, the Local Area Executive Director is responsible for hiring staff for their respective area, following the same equal opportunity guidelines.
- Position Approvals: Approval of new positions will be made by the Board for the respective area.
- Screening and Interviews: Applicants will be screened by the supervisor of the position to determine who should advance as candidates. Job candidates may be interviewed by more than one person.
- Background and Reference Checks: Prior to an official offer, background and reference checks may be conducted on job candidates to whom offers may be made.
See Appendix B: Reference Request Waiver
Should COWIB receive a grant and/or be awarded a contract, the CEO has the authority to establish additional job titles and descriptions that accommodate the work to be done. The CEO will establish a salary range for these positions. This personnel action shall be approved and ratified at the next board meeting.
For staff positions within local workforce areas, the Local Area Executive Director has the authority to establish additional job titles and descriptions specific to their area to accommodate the work funded by grants or contracts awarded to their board. Salary ranges for these positions will be determined in collaboration with the CEO and must align with established policies and practices.
Staff categories as established by COWIB are as follows:
- Exempt: Exempt employees are not guaranteed the protections of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and are not entitled to earn overtime. Additionally, any absence exceeding two (2) hours in a day will require the employee to use available leave to cover the absence.
- Non-Exempt: Non-exempt employees are workers who are entitled to the federal minimum wage and qualify for overtime pay. Overtime compensation is calculated as one-and-a-half times the hourly salary. All overtime must be pre-approved in writing by the CEO or, for local workforce area staff, by the Local Area Executive Director. Available leave must be used for any absence.
- Full-Time: Full-time employees are those scheduled to work a minimum of forty (40) hours per week. Employees scheduled to work at least 30 hours per week are eligible for health benefits in accordance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). However, employees must work 40 hours per week to be eligible for other benefits, leave, and holiday pay.
- Part-Time: Part-time employees are those scheduled to work less than 40 hours per week. No benefits are allowed for part-time employees except as defined by the ACA.
- AmeriCorps VISTA: AmeriCorps VISTA members work under a grant agreement with Red River Community Action. Members are paid an agreed-upon amount each pay period regardless of hours worked during that period. They are required to meet a specific number of hours for the duration of the contract. These hours are monitored and adjusted as needed to ensure fulfillment of the contract.
It is COWIB policy to minimize potential conflicts of interest by avoiding the employment of family members in certain workplace situations whenever possible. However, on occasion, more than one family member may work for this Agency. The following guidelines will govern these situations:
- No employee will be permitted to hire or directly participate in the hiring process for a relative.
- When related persons work for this Agency, one relative may not supervise, manage, or have direct authority over another relative.
- Related persons will not be involved in evaluating each other’s job performance, making recommendations for salary adjustments, or participating in decisions regarding promotions or other budgetary matters affecting the other.
- Family members of COWIB personnel are eligible to utilize Oklahoma Works- American Job Centers, apply as WIOA customers, and receive services through programs operated by COWIB. Eligibility and services will be determined by the service provider contractor(s) in accordance with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
Employees, upon receipt of their copy of the personnel policies manual or any addendum thereto, must sign an “Acknowledgement and Disclaimer” form (Form D) indicating they have read and understand the Agency’s policies. Employees also acknowledge their understanding that no part of this manual shall be construed as being an employment contract, either expressed or implied, between the employee and COWIB. COWIB is an employment-at-will employer.
This manual has been prepared for the information and guidance of employees working at this Agency. It is intended to cover the procedures, rules, and policies most often applied to day-to-day work activities. COWIB reserves the right to change these policies at any time without advance notice. COWIB will communicate changes to employees in written and oral communications.
See Appendix D: Acknowledgment and Disclaimer
COWIB employees shall not participate in partisan politics during normal working hours. This means the devoting of time or labor during usual office hours toward the campaign of any candidate for office or for the nomination to any office.
The use of COWIB property or facilities (stationary, telephone, offices, etc.) for campaigning is prohibited. Use of COWIB offices for partisan political meetings is prohibited.
Employees receive an annual performance evaluation conducted by their immediate supervisor. The supervisor will conduct additional performance reviews whenever the employee’s job duties substantially change. If counseling/coaching is appropriate as determined by the supervisor, or employment is ended, a written document will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
NOTE: All employment with COWIB is “at will” and either the employee or COWIB may terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause or notice.
The Executive Committee is responsible for evaluating the performance of the CEO. The Board Chair will initiate the method to be utilized in the performance evaluation of the CEO as well as when and how the evaluation will be conducted. The Executive Committee is solely responsible for setting the wage rate of the CEO.
For Local Area Executive Directors, their performance evaluation, salary, and wage are the responsibility of the Executive Committee of the respective local area board. The Local Area Executive Director’s Executive Committee will establish the method for performance evaluations, determine when and how the evaluations will occur, and set the salary and wage rate for the Local Area Executive Director.
Personnel files are maintained by COWIB and are considered confidential. Access to these files is limited to the appropriate COWIB personnel, the employee who is subject to the file or the employee’s designee. Employees can review their personnel file by requesting an appointment with the CEO. Personnel files will be reviewed in the presence of authorized personnel only. Files cannot be removed from the HR office. Employees are not permitted to remove or add any documents to their personnel file.
Information requested by prospective employers will only be provided with a written release from the employee or former employee (Appendix C).
Information requested by a law enforcement agency will be provided only upon receipt of a valid subpoena.
See Appendix B: Reference Request Waiver
See Appendix C: Reference Release Waiver
Work schedules will be defined in the letter of appointment. Employees should be at their desks ready for work, on time. Office hours are from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with the exceptions of unforeseen emergencies, such as inclement weather or in the case of staff training or development. All employees are provided an hour lunch break and two 15- minute breaks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Employees will be notified, in writing, of any changes to this schedule.
The CEO can authorize alternate start and end times for office hours; however, the intent is to have Board staff available to the public during the normal work hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. For Local Area staff, the Local Area Executive Director is in charge of setting work schedules specific to their area, while ensuring compliance with the general office hours and guidelines established by COWIB.
Exempt employees may be required to work beyond their designated work schedule in order to adequately fulfill their duties and will not be given compensatory time off. Non-exempt employees may be required to work beyond their designated work schedule to fulfill their duties and will be compensated according to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
Employees, finding they are unable to report to work on time or unable to report for a full day, must inform their supervisor or the CEO within 1 hour of the start time of their work day.
Only the CEO may authorize an employee to work during their lunch hour, come in early/stay late, or work on weekends/holidays in order to make up work time in lieu of taking authorized accrued time off. Otherwise, unless an approved leave request is filed, the absence may be charged as leave without pay.
- On a bi-weekly basis, each employee will complete time sheets to report time worked and time taken off. Each employee will have his/her time sheet approved by his/her respective supervisor. For the CEO or Local Area Executive Director, the time sheet must be signed by the Board Chair or another member of the Board’s Executive Committee.
New employees will undergo an orientation to acquaint them with the Agency’s policies and procedures, their jobs, and COWIB’s internal and external working relationships.
Orientation to the organization—The CEO will coordinate orientation to the Agency, to compensation and benefits, and to COWIB’s expectations of employees. As part of the orientation, the employee will receive a copy of the Agency’s personnel policies, and will be asked to sign a document stating he/she has received and understood the material in it.
Orientation to the job—The direct supervisor will orient the employee to the job and to the internal and external working relationships. The purpose of orientation is to give employees a level of success to aim for, to set performance guidelines and expectations, to assist them in succeeding, and to give them feedback on performance.
See Appendix N: New Employee Orientation Checklist
See Appendix O: Receipt of Addendum
Salary levels shall be in accordance with the wage range for that position as established and approved by the Board. Each supervisor will conduct an annual performance review of each staff member. These reviews will be completed by the end of the month following the employee’s anniversary date. Based on the results of the evaluation and the funding level of the Agency, the CEO or Local Area Executive Director may grant a salary increase of up to five (5) percent of the employee’s current rate of pay.
The Executive Committee is responsible for establishing the wage rate of the CEO.
Deductions from each employee’s paycheck include the mandatory and voluntary deductions described below:
Mandatory deductions include Social Security, state and federal taxes, and wage garnishments. A staff member’s paycheck may be garnished for alimony, child support, delinquent loans, or for some other reason set out by court order. All mandatory deductions are made without written authorization of the employee.
Voluntary deductions are made only with the written authorization of the employee. Voluntary deductions include sums designated for health, vision, and dental insurance for the employee’s family members. Additionally, the employee may authorize a deduction for a retirement program.
Payroll deductions may occur if the employee does not have sufficient leave. The Agency designee will compute the leave without pay. An itemized statement of all deductions from the employee’s wages accompanies each paycheck.
Payroll deductions through W-4 changes may be made up to four (4) times per year.
Payroll is issued bi-weekly on Friday.
The agency’s designee will distribute direct deposit pay stubs to members of the administrative staff subject to the receipt of an approved time sheet for the pay period covered.
Health Care and Dental Plan: A health care and dental plan for Exempt and Non-Exempt full-time employees and their dependents is available. Coverage begins the first of the month following the first month of employment or during an open enrollment period.” The employee’s cost of available health coverage is covered by COWIB. Benefits will be outlined in the policies provided by the insurance companies.
If the employee does not have a dependent at the time of enrollment in the plan, but later acquires a dependent, this person becomes eligible to participate in the plan on the date that he/she becomes the dependent of the employee if enrolled within 30 days of eligibility or during an open enrollment period.
The employee will assume the cost of dependent or family coverage. Before the employee’s coverage or that of the employee’s dependents becomes effective, the employee must authorize payroll deductions for such coverage by filling out a form available from the accounting department.
If the employee is on an approved leave of absence without pay, the employee will be responsible to provide COWIB with a personal check to cover the cost of any premium they had authorized as a payroll deduction. Failure to do so will result in a loss of coverage.
HEALTH INSURANCE: Exempt and Non-Exempt employees are provided health insurance as defined by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The cost of this coverage is paid by COWIB. The employee must pay for dependent or family coverage. COWIB will follow ACA rules as it applies to medical coverage.
DENTAL INSURANCE: Exempt and Non-Exempt full-time employees are provided dental insurance. The cost of coverage for the employee is paid by COWIB. The employee must pay for dependent and/or family coverage.
LIFE INSURANCE: Exempt and Non-Exempt full-time employees are provided life insurance protection in an amount established by the insurance carrier. The cost of this coverage is paid by COWIB. The employee must pay for dependent and/or family coverage.
VISION: Vision coverage is provided to Exempt and Non-Exempt full-time employees. The cost of coverage for the employee is paid by COWIB. The employee must pay for dependent or family coverage.
DISABILITY: Short- and Long-Term Disability insurance is available to Exempt and Non-Exempt employees as long as they meet the eligibility requirements as determined by the insurance carrier. The cost is covered by COWIB.
Voluntary payroll deductions for spouse and/or dependent children for benefit coverage are made during benefits open enrollment. NOTE: If there is a life change event, a change may be made within 30 days of the event.
Additional information regarding coverage and submission of claims is available from a staff member designated by the CEO.
COWIB provides paid vacation for rest and relaxation, which we believe, is important for employees’ physical and mental health. Years of service shall constitute the amount of time an employee may earn per year. Vacation given is based on longevity. Vacation leave shall be taken in hourly increments only. There is no allowance to take leave in increments of less than hourly. Vacations shall be granted to COWIB employees as a fringe benefit in accordance with the following schedule:
Zero through five years of service – will accrue 5 hours of vacation per pay period.
Five plus years of service through twelve years of service –will accrue 7 hours of vacation per pay period.
Twelve plus years of service or more – will accrue 8 hours of vacation per pay period.
Vacation time will be earned on an accrual basis beginning on the employee’s start date according to the above schedule.
Vacation must be applied for in advance and approved by the supervisor who will consider employee’s seniority and the continuity of programs. Vacation time can be used for paid time off when the employee is ill but does not have any accrued sick leave. Under this condition, vacation time used will be counted as time off for illness or care of family member.
Unused vacation time may be carried forward from one calendar year to the next. The maximum vacation time an employee may carry forward is 240 hours. The number of “carry forward” hours of vacation time will be calculated on December 31st of each year.
Unused vacation time will be paid upon separation of employment up to the amount of leave that the employee could earn in one year.
Sick leave provides paid time off for periods of illness or incapacity resulting from injury. Sick leave may also be used for medical, surgical, dental, or optical examination or treatment, or where an employee’s exposure to contagious disease may jeopardize the health of others were the employee to be present at work. Sick leave may only be used in hourly increments with no allowance for any time less than hourly.
- Sick leave will be accumulated at the rate of 5 hours per pay period
- Sick leave shall not be used for vacation
- Sick leave will be allowed to accumulate with no limit on the hours accumulated
- Sick leave is available to use as soon as it is accrued
- No payment is made for unused sick leave upon separation
Employees are responsible for directly reporting to their immediate supervisor or the CEO by phone, voicemail, email, or text message at the beginning of each working day when illness prevents their attendance at work. For staff working in local areas, the Local Area Executive Director should be notified for absences that impact their area.
When an extended absence due to illness is required, employees must keep their supervisor or the CEO informed if the absence is expected to continue longer than originally anticipated. For Local Area staff, the Local Area Executive Director must be kept advised if the absence is expected to extend beyond the initial period.
A doctor’s statement may be required for more than three consecutive days’ absence due to illness or when an accumulation of scattered absences seems to establish a pattern of illness. Documentation may be requested for verification of the circumstances surrounding any use of sick leave.
Employees, at their own discretion, may use sick leave to care for ill immediate family members.
The COWIB leave sharing program permits employees to donate sick leave to a fellow staff member who is experiencing extenuating personal or family medical circumstances. The receiving employee must have exhausted all paid leave, and the circumstances must be such that the receiving employee is in the position of going on leave without pay or terminating employment. Rules for participating in the leave sharing program are as follows:
Donated leave will be given strictly on a voluntary basis and will only be approved for those experiencing extenuating circumstances.
- There is no limit on the amount of donated leave an employee may receive from a donor, however, the receiving employee must have exhausted all vacation and sick time.
The transfer of donated hours must be presented to the CEO in writing. The CEO will then approve or disapprove the request via email to be maintained in the personnel file of both parties and with the payroll for the pay period it is used.
- The letter shall detail the name, position, and pay level of the potential recipient along with a brief description of the nature, severity and anticipated duration of leave. The letter should include the reason the transferred leave is needed along with how many hours the donating employee is willing to donate.
- If approved, the request must be submitted to the Accounting department where record of the transaction will be documented and tracked.
- The amount of donated leave will be tracked, and any unused leave will revert to the account of the donating employee.
- A medical certificate from a licensed physician or health care provider verifying the extraordinary nature and expected duration of leave may be requested if deemed necessary.
The donating employee may donate annual and/or sick leave.
- Donated leave will be at the salary level of the person donating the leave and transitioned to the rate of the receiving employee.
- The amount of donated leave cannot exceed the amount of leave the donating employee has at his/her disposal.
An employee who has given or received notice to separate employment cannot donate any sick leave accrual.
There may be an extreme instance where an employee must be off because of a personal or an immediate family emergency and they lack enough accrued leave to handle the emergency. Request for LWOP must be in writing. The approval or denial of the request will be in writing from the CEO. The permission to use LWOP must be granted by the CEO in advance with the reasons as to the necessity of such leave fully documented. This type of leave will only be allowed at the discretion of the CEO.
For staff in local areas, the Local Area Executive Director must be informed of the request, and permission to use LWOP must be granted by the CEO in advance, with a full documentation of the reasons for the leave. This type of leave will only be granted at the discretion of the CEO.
While on Leave Without Pay an employee will not accrue any form of leave nor will he/she receive pay for holidays.
Up to five (5) days, at the discretion of the CEO, may be allowed for a death in the immediate family of a full-time employee. Criteria for the amount of time off allowed include a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, the need for out-of-town travel and responsibility for handling funeral arrangements. The term “immediate family” includes the following: husband, wife, son, stepson, daughter, stepdaughter, mother, stepmother, father, stepfather, brother, stepbrother, sister and stepsister.
Up to five (5) days, at the discretion of the CEO, may be allowed for a death of specific other family members. This includes the following: son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew. For Local Area staff, the Local Area Executive Director will manage requests for bereavement leave, in collaboration with the CEO, in cases where extended time off is requested.
COWIB will comply with the requirements for military leave under USERRA guidelines. Employees should provide the CEO with copy of military orders as soon as possible.
If employees are called to serve on jury duty, they should notify their supervisor or the CEO immediately. All regular employees will be on paid status while on jury duty. A copy of the jury summons must be turned in to the Controller in order for employees to receive pay.
If an employee is served with a subpoena requiring him/her to serve as a witness as a result of his/her position with COWIB, that employee will be permitted time off to attend the hearing/trial without loss of pay or threat of loss of pay or job. Documentation of witness times and fees must be submitted to his/her immediate supervisor and/or the CEO.
Upon verification from court personnel (i.e., letter from prosecutor/ attorney, etc.), victims of a crime may submit a written request for “court attendance” to their immediate supervisor and/or the CEO. The CEO must approve the request. Time off will be charged to accrued vacation time, or if the employee does not have any accrued vacation time, he/she will be on approved leave without pay. Employees must provide verification of attendance from court personnel.
An employee testifying in a case, which is unrelated to their employment position or regarding a case unrelated to COWIB business, shall not be eligible for court leave and must request annual leave. If annual leave is not available, the absence shall be designated as leave without pay.
The employee shall present the original jury summons or subpoena from the court to the CEO in order to be granted leave.
The employee shall, at the conclusion of the duty, present to his/her supervisor or the CEO a signed statement from the court clerk showing the dates of attendance.
COWIB employees will observe State holidays as set forth by the decree of the Governor of Oklahoma and be given a Floating Holiday. A Floating Holiday, is defined as a single full work day that an employee may select for usage at their discretion within the calendar year. The Floating Holiday is added to employees’ leave accounts at the start of each calendar year and must be utilized by December 31st. In the event of employment termination, the Floating Holiday will be deducted from the employee’s leave account. The Floating Holiday request must be submitted on the Leave Request Form and pre-approved in writing by the CEO or direct supervisor.
Employees are protected under the state’s workers compensation law against loss of income due to injury or death that occurs during work activities. The Agency pays the entire cost of the workers compensation insurance premium. Employees must report all job-related accidents, injuries and illnesses immediately after experiencing symptoms. The insurance carrier will determine the benefits, if any, the employee deserves.
REPORTING–Any employee injured on the job will immediately report the injury to his/her supervisor regardless of whether the injury is minor or of no apparent significance.
INCIDENT REPORT–An incident report will be completed promptly by the CEO to ensure documentation and to expedite compensation.
Failure of an employee to document job-related injuries may result in disciplinary action. Reporting job-related injuries protects both the Agency and the employee.
To promote the development of staff skills, COWIB encourages employees to continue their education by offering tuition reimbursement for coursework deemed applicable to the employee’s position with COWIB. If employees wish to enroll in college courses, they should discuss the matter with the CEO or the Local Area Executive Director, depending on their work location.
Employees are expected to schedule classes outside of their work hours. Any exception to this, including adjustments to work hours for class schedules, will require prior approval from the CEO or the Local Area Executive Director, with consideration given to the local area’s budget and operational needs.
Tuition reimbursement is subject to availability of sufficient financial resources/funding of COWIB. This policy has a repayment requirement of expenses if the employee voluntarily leaves employment with COWIB within 12 months of receiving a degree either partially or fully funded by COWIB’s tuition reimbursement program.
Eligibility for approval and reimbursement of tuition
- Prior to enrollment, full-time regular employees of COWIB may apply for higher education tuition reimbursement by submitting a formal written request to the CEO or the Local Area Executive Director and attaching the degree course curriculum
(Note: regular employees are defined as those employees who are hired with formula funds received for the Board) - Eligible employees can apply for either undergraduate or graduate degree plans from an approved, accredited educational institution
Reimbursement Payments
- Maximum reimbursement is $1,500.00 annually on a rolling 12-month schedule
- Reimbursement is for cost of classes and does not include costs towards books or fees
- Reimbursement will only be paid for classes in which a “B” grade or higher is earned or in which a “Pass” is earned in classes that assign grades only as Pass or Fail
- Employees must validate expenses by providing a paid receipt and proof of the final grade
- Reimbursement will be treated the same as an expense report and the employee will receive reimbursement on the next available payroll
Per OMB Uniform Guidance, Subpart E 200.431 (i) (1) allows severance compensations to employees, in addition to regular salaries and wages, when involuntarily separation occur through no fault of the employee due to but not limited to, reduction-in-force due to reorganization, lay-off, dissolution of divisions, or any other action by the agency which results in affected positions being severed from service.
To be eligible for severance pay, an employee must be permanent, have at least 12 months of continuous service, and be involuntarily separated for reasons other than inefficiency (e.g., unacceptable performance or conduct).
The severance benefits shall provide the following:
- Health Insurance Premium Assistance: Payment equal to the affected employee’s current health insurance premium rate (excluding COBRA – Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986) for six (6) months.
- Weeks of Pay: Up to one (1) week of pay for each year of service. This amount will be calculated by dividing the affected employee’s current annual salary by fifty-two (52).
- Lump Sum Payment: A maximum lump sum payment up to Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). The lump sum amount will be determined by the Executive Committee subject to budget allowances.
- Unused Vacation Days: Payment for all unused vacation days up to the maximum number of hours an employee can accrue during the course of one (1) year. For example, if an employee is accruing at the rate of 5 hours per pay period, they could be paid for up to 130 hours.
- Severance benefits are subject to applicable taxes and deduction.
Administrative leave (also referred to as “excused absence”) is an administratively authorized absence from duty without loss of pay or charge to leave. Administrative leave may be granted at the discretion of the CEO with the approval of the Board Chairperson. The circumstances and procedures for granting administrative leave will be determined on a case-by-case basis by these authorized individuals.
In-service training is designed to provide staff members with the skills, training, and experiences necessary for their continued development. Training will be subject to the following conditions:
Attendance at conferences, educational meetings, workshops, and institutes must have the approval of the CEO or the Local Area Executive Director.
Each employee may be permitted to attend conferences as funds permit to cover registration and reimbursement for lodging, meals, and travel.
Each employee who attends a conference, seminar and/or in-service is expected to submit a written report summarizing what was covered, the date, and who attended.
Full- and part-time employees are automatically enrolled in a Board-approved 401k starting the first day of the month following two full months of employment. The employee is automatically enrolled at a 3% employee contribution, unless otherwise specified. COWIB matches employee contributions up to 6%. (i.e. if an employee contributes 3%, COWIB matches 3%; if an employee contributes 10%, COWIB matches 6%). Employees may opt out of the retirement program at any time, but will not be eligible for the COWIB match.
The employee is fully vested in the retirement program upon enrollment. At termination of employment, employees will be eligible to receive the value of contributions made by them and on their behalf.
Full-time employees may contribute according to policy specifications and/or applicable IRS laws.
In order to maintain and modernize the communications capabilities of COWIB staff, employees may be eligible for a mobile telephone allowance of $25.00 per pay period. To qualify for the allowance, the employee must be full-time and:
Supply a mobile telephone device (which will be recognized as the personal property of the employee);
Maintain service to that phone during the month (including payment of all charges, taxes, and fees); and
Permit COWIB to publish the employee’s mobile telephone number in work-related publications, correspondence, etc.
The CEO shall approve payment of the allowance, based on a determination of COWIB’s need to maintain mobile telephone contact with each individual employee. The list will be maintained in the accounting office. The determination should take into consideration each employee’s job duties and location(s) where work is actually or is likely to be performed.
At least once per year, all employees shall receive a performance appraisal, which will assess their performance and accomplishments relative to their job description. Appraisals will occur no later than 30 days after an employee’s anniversary of employment.
Performance appraisals become a permanent part of the employee’s personnel file. This information will be held in strict confidence, and may only be released to a third party with the prior written approval of the employee.
COWIB has a philosophy that staff should, in all circumstances, do the right thing, in the right manner, at the right time, according to the conduct and ethics criteria set out in policy.
When the personal conduct or job performance of an employee is unsatisfactory, his/her supervisor may counsel the employee to review the duties the employee is expected to perform, to explain why the employee’s personal conduct or job performance has not been acceptable, to provide an opportunity for the employee to present an explanation or justification of actions or lack thereof, or to discuss ways of correcting the employee’s behavior or job performance. The supervisor will provide a written form regarding this meeting and the actions to be taken for the employee’s personnel file.
If the CEO and/or Board Chairman determine the situation merits, the employee shall be notified in writing that immediate steps must be taken to correct the personal conduct or job performance issues discussed in the counseling session. The local area Executive Director is responsible for overseeing staff within their respective area. If the corrective steps are not taken, action will be taken to propose dismissal, demotion, or suspension.
The employee facing disciplinary action has the right to appeal using the grievance procedures addressed in this manual.
Any employee who has a complaint or grievance concerning a recognized federal and local civil rights law (i.e., race age, disability, sex, etc.) has the right to file a grievance according to procedures outlined in this policy (Form G). Employees who believe that they have been unlawfully harassed should follow the complaint procedure set out in the Grievance Policy for the Local Workforce Development System in Central Oklahoma and the COWIB Procedure for Receiving, Processing, and Resolving Discrimination Complaints.
Staff from a local area (not COWIB) should follow their local area board’s grievance and complaint policy and procedures. Employees should first go to their local area Director and Board Chair for resolution. If a solution cannot be reached at the local level, the employee may then escalate the issue to COWIB.
Employees should attempt to resolve the problem informally, if possible, with the CEO and Equal Opportunity Officer. If a solution cannot be reached, the employee may present a formal written complaint or grievance to the CEO who will initiate an independent investigation of the complaints made. If a resolution cannot be reached, the complaint will be presented to the COWIB Executive Committee for resolution.
No employee will be discriminated against, harassed, intimidated, or suffer any reprisal or retaliation as a result of filing a grievance or complaint or participating in the investigation of a grievance or complaint. If an employee feels that he/she is being subjected to any of the above, that employee has the right to appeal directly to the Executive Committee Chairman.
All complaints will be handled in a timely manner. As a goal, this Agency attempts to resolve a complaint as quickly as possible and within 20 working days from the time of its initiation. If an extension of the time limit becomes necessary, all involved parties will be notified.
Unresolved grievances of employees should be turned over to the Executive Committee for a resolution within 21 working days of the time the grievance is filed.
Employees may not file grievance procedures challenging the substance of a performance appraisal but do have the opportunity to write their comments in the appropriate place designated for the employee’s comments.
See Appendix G: Grievance Report
COWIB is an “employment-at-will” company. COWIB can terminate an employee’s employment with or without notice and with or without cause. COWIB is not obligated to give the employee a reason for the dismissal.
However, some offenses which will warrant immediate dismissal (Form E) include but are not limited to:
Theft–including, but not limited to, the removal of company property or the property of another employee from company premises without prior authorization.
Drugs/Alcohol–possession, use, sale, purchase or distribution on Agency property of alcohol or any illegal drugs or illegally possessed drugs. Reporting to work under the influence of drugs or alcohol in a condition that adversely affects the employee’s ability to safely and effectively perform his/her job functions or which imperils the safety of other employees is not tolerated.
Falsifying or altering Agency records.
Sabotaging or willfully damaging Agency equipment or the property of other employees. Walking off the job without permission of the CEO or Local Area Executive Director.
Insubordination involving, but not limited to, defaming, assaulting or threatening to assault a fellow employee, and refusing to carry out the order of the CEO where personal safety of the individual is a concern.
Fighting or provoking a fight on company premises.
Absence for three consecutive working days without notice to the immediate supervisor or the CEO. In such an event, the offending employee will be deemed to have quit voluntarily.
Excessive, intermittent unscheduled or scheduled unpaid time off from work. Excessive is not defined solely by the number of days, but also by how the absence affects business needs.
Sleeping on the job.
Bringing or possessing firearms, explosives, or any dangerous weapon on Agency property.
Failure to comply with approved policies
See Appendix E: Dismissal Acknowledgement
Due to a withdrawal of federal or state funds or Agency reorganization, COWIB may be required to reduce staff. The CEO shall notify the Board in writing at least three weeks prior to the reduction and shall specify the effected employees. Employees affected by a reduction in staff shall be notified in writing with the reason for layoff at least two weeks prior to the effective date of the layoff.
Because COWIB is an “employment-at-will” company, an employee may terminate his/her employment with or without notice and with or without cause or reason.
Employees who leave the service of the Agency for any reason shall receive all pay that may be due them with the following qualifications (including the completion of Form F):
Exempt and Non-Exempt employees will be paid for all unused vacation days up to the maximum number of hours they can accrue during the course of one (1) year. For example, if they are accruing at the rate of 5 hours a pay period, they could be paid for up to 130 hours.
Exempt and Non-Exempt employees who are dismissed after committing a criminal offense against the Agency or for other gross violations of company policies as determined by the CEO will not receive pay for any unused accrued annual leave.
The separation date for all employees is the last day of actual work or approved leave. Final pay received by an employee will not be construed to extend his/her employment with the Agency beyond the separation date.
Employees will be advised of their rights under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 (COBRA). This act entitles employees and their dependents to continue their coverage under the Agency’s health insurance plan at the employees’ expense, but at group rates. COWIB abides by the federal guidelines when it pertains to COBRA.
Employees will receive a notice in the mail of their HIPAA status and rights.
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