NEWDB RFP Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Technical Questions

NEWDB RFP Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Technical Questions

Do you have an internal system you use in the Board area for managing participant expenditures?

NEWDB utilizes the state’s case management system (Oklahoma Job Match) for tracking participant expenses. In addition, our client files include an ITA Tracking Worksheet, which is uploaded into the state’s case management system (reference page 20 of the ITA Policy). Finally, the NEWDB’s monitor tracks participant expenses on their monitoring tool.
Note: all current NEWDB policies are listed on NEWDB’s website, here: Policies – Northeast Workforce Development Board ( .

Are exhibits or attachments allowable in sections where page requirements are tight?

Exhibits and attachments are included in the page limitations.

Who provides your business services?

Business Services are provided in conjunction with NEWDB board staff, One-Stop Operator, and Core Partners. However, the Service Provider is required to conduct regular business contacts with employers with whom we have WEX or OJT participants placed at.

Who is your current OSO?

The role of One-Stop Operator is currently being fulfilled by NEWDB. However, the OSO contract is out for procurement currently.

Who staffs the resource rooms at the 4 career centers?

Oklahoma Employment Security Commission staff primarily work the resource rooms at the centers utilizing Title III employees. However, Title I service provider staff are occasionally utilized in the support of center partnership.
Note, as referenced on page 18 of the RFP, NEWDB only operates 3 centers currently, in Miami, Bartlesville, and Pryor.

Could you provide a list of all staff positions by the current operator by each of your 4 location?

As mentioned in the previous answer, there are 3 locations. Our current staffing structure consists of:
Bartlesville – 1 FTE Case Manager
Miami – 1 FTE Case Manager
Pryor – 1 FTE Case Manager

Is only WIOA programming offered at the job centers or are additional programs like unemployment, assistance (SNAP, TANF), and Veterans assistance offered at the sites? If so, how many staff are in each WFC location in addition to WIOA staff?

There are partners collocated at each of the job centers. Co-located partners are as follows:


  • 5 OESC (WIOA Title III/Wagner-Peyser)
  • 1 WIOA Title I
  • 2 Department of Rehabilitative Services
  • 1 ABE


  • 4 OESC
  • 1 WIOA Title I
  • 1 ODVA on Thursdays
  • 4 DHS
  • 4 Service Oklahoma (State DMV)


  • 5 OESC
  • 1 WIOA Title I
  • 1 ODVA on Mondays

Who does outreach for job seekers? 

This function is conducted by Service Provider staff, NEWDB Staff, One-Stop Operator, and referrals from partner entities. NEWDB has an online application system, and customers completing the online application are sent to the Service Provider staff for contact.

Who does quality assurance?

The contracted service provider is responsible for ensuring the integrity and quality of their participant files. NEWDB also conducts monitoring of each participant that funds are expended on in a given invoice to ensure expended funds are allowable.

Would you please share how many program customers have been enrolled in AD/DW/Youth in the last 2 program years?

In PY 22 NEWDB served – 214 Adults, 47 DLWs, and 77 youth.
In PY 23 NEWDB served – 160 Adults, 17 DLWs and 85 youth.
Note: some of these enrollment counts include customers who have been co-enrolled.

What are current expenditure rates on ITA/Training/WEX?

Adult 52%
DLW 46%
Youth 30%
OSY 88%
Youth training (Direct=WEX/OJT) 49%

Would you please share your Board policy on ITA/WEX–$ limits on training, WEX hours?

All current NEWDB’s policies can be found on our website, include our ITA and WEX policy. Reference here: Policies – Northeast Workforce Development Board (

Could you provide the current program performance?  

The table below represents NEWDB’s Annual performance reports as of July reports. However, these performance results are not yet finalized.

NEWDB Current GoalNEWDB PY 23 Performance

How many active participants are enrolled in each funding stream?  

The table below represents the answer to this and the next question. Note: some customers are co-enrolled and will show in more than one category.


How many participants are in follow-up?  

Reference the table in the previous question.

How many participants were enrolled in an OJT?  

8 participants received OJT services in PY 23.

How much was spent on OJT last year? 

Adult: $25,196.41
DLW: $23,451.27
OSY: $376.33

How many participants were enrolled in a WEX?  

27 customers received WEX services in PY 23.

How much was spent on WEX last year? 

Adult: $44,093.63
DLW: $26,309.27
OSY: $70,581.58
ISY: $8,161.61

What were the supportive services costs for the program year? 

Adult $8,263.53
DLW: $937.76
OSY: $6,192.64
ISY: $995.00

How many participants were enrolled in an OJT?  

8 participants received OJT services in PY 23.

What was the average salary?  

The average OJT salary was $14.66 in PY 23.

How much was spent on OJT last year? 

See above

How many participants were enrolled in a WEX?  

27 customers received WEX services in PY 23.

What was the average salary?  

WEX salaries typically ranged between $10-$15/hr.

How much was spent on WEX last year? 

See above.

Do the staff cover more than one center? If so, what is the staffing pattern?

Currently, the three case managers do not cover more than one center unless a filling in for a staff member that is out.

What are the current staffing salary range by position?   

The salary range is set by the service provider based on the available budget.
Case Managers earn $18-$19/hr.
NEWDB’s service provider also provides pieces of the following support staff:

Operations% FTE
Project Accountant15%
Account Tech15%
Project Accountant Lead3%
WE PR Specialist3%
Corporate HR3%
Corporate DLC3%
Corporate QPT3%
Project Director15%
Regional Director3%

Can you provide the resumes for the current staff? 

NEWDB does not have resumes for current Service Provider staff.

Do we need to budget for facilities costs at the One-Stop Job Center? If so, is there an estimate of operational costs and what expenses are included? 

These costs are paid for by NEWDB.

Will you provide the Budget in an Excel document? 

The table on page 28 of the RFP represents expected dollar amounts for the contract based on planning numbers. However, these dollar amounts may vary dependent on the following factors:

  • The amount of client dollars spent in PY 24 Q1
  • The amount of actual award and actual carryover provided to NEWDB for PY 24 (note, the RFP was built based on planning numbers and expected carry over).
  • The award amount for PY 25.

How long has the current provider been working in the Northeast region? 

Dynamic Workforce Solutions has been the provider for just over 3-years.

Will there be an interview/oral presentation?            

This is not planned currently.

Are your customer files electronic or paper/hard copy? 

All participant files are electronic and kept utilizing the state’s case management system.

What data management system is used?

Currently, Oklahoma Job Match is the state’s CRM system. However, the state is rolling out a new case management system that is expected to be in place in August 2024.

Edit to add:

1. Budget Management and Expenditures: 

* These are contractual performance targets. Each quarter, the bidder would be identifying the percentage of their total client dollar budget that they have spent or obligated. We would see something like:

Quarter ending: 09/30 – xx% 12/31 – xx% 03/31 – xx% 06/30 – xx%

2. On page 30, for submission, an “abstract” is requested. Can you please clarify what an abstract is? An executive summary?

In general, an abstract is a concise summary of the proposal that provides an overview of the key points and highlights the main aspects of the response. It would include some of the following:

  • Introduction: An introduction of the organization.
  • Objectives: A summary of the goals and objectives.
  • Scope: An outline of the scope of work or the services to be provided.
  • Approach: A high-level description of the methodology or approach to be taken.
  • Benefits: The expected benefits or outcomes to customers and to NEWDB.
  • Qualifications: A brief statement of the organization’s qualifications and experience relevant to the project.
  • Conclusion: A closing statement that reinforces the value of your proposal.

The abstract should be clear, concise (not more than 1-page). It serves as a snapshot or summary of the RFP response.