Green Country OSO RFP Technical Questions

Green Country OSO RFP Technical Questions

  1. Per the format requirements on page 18, it states we are to submit one electronic copy of the response and one copy of an abstract. Please clarify if the requirement is for both (a full copy of the response and an abstract version) or only one (and which one). -Both
  2. Per page 19, the proposer is the submit an electronic version of the proposals. Is this to be emailed or provided on a flash drive to be submitted with the hard copies? Provided with the hard copies
  3. Per the outline on page 18, the Budget Information Form is required in two different places in the proposal (as a Budget Narrative in Narrative section E and as attachment B). Please clarify if we should include the same information twice. Yes
  4. Will you accept a PDF version of the electronic copy of our most recent monitoring reports (due to security on some documents, they cannot convert to a Word document)? Yes
  5. On page 20, an In-Kind-Contributions Form is requested but was not in the attachments. Please provide the required form or guidance on the preferred format for response. Attached.
  6. Will the board supply all equipment needed to perform the duties of the OSO Operator, or will we need to include this in the proposed budget? For example, Desktop or Laptop, MIFI, printer, etc. Yes
  7. Will the Board (administrative entity) be responsible for purchasing shared office supplies for the comprehensive and affiliate centers? yes
  8. Please describe the current staffing structure for One Stop Services in Green Country. Does the OSO/WSC have any direct reports funded under the current OSO costs? No direct reports, currently changing staffing structure.
  9. How does GCWDB currently manage partner referral tracking? It has not been tracked.
  10. Are workforce partners reporting their performance and services in Oklahoma Works, or are they using other tools (such as salesforce) to provide uniform reporting with the AJC? OKJobMatch-only
  11. How many staff and partners are co-located in each AJC (please list by center)? Attached.
  12. What is the current IFA structure? The IFA is being redone.
  13. One more clarifying question, from page 26 of the RFP, currently reads as follows:
    Business Contacts-Twelve meaningful, in person contacts, with private sector business per quarter, to promote workforce programs and services, with emphasis on Work-Based Learning opportunities as evident through validation in OSL and/or quarterly tracking reports provided by the Service Provider with details showing specifics of the business contact. Is 12 the benchmark for performance or is that an error on the RFP- 12 is the benchmark.
  14. Can you provide the walk in traffic numbers for all AJCs in the GCWDB area- attached
  15. How many customer satisfaction surveys are received per quarter in PY 217 State Survey PY21-6, Internally created survey PY21-132
  16. How many partner meeting occurred per quarter in PY 217 4 per quarter per AJC
  17. How many cross trainings occurred per quarter in PY 217 None
  18. I wanted to make sure that my understanding of the Conflict of Interest clauseis correct

Certificate Regarding Conflict of Interest By signing and submitting this Certificate Regarding Conflict of Interest the undersigned covenants that no officers, members, or employees of its governing board have any interest, and that none shall acquire any interest, direct or indirect, that would conflict with full and complete execution of this contract. Contractor further covenants that in the performance of this contract, no person having any such interest will be employed No employee, officer, or agent, any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization which employs or is about to employ any of the parties indicated herein, has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for an award. The officers, employees, and agents of the recipient shall neither solicit no accept gratuities, favors or anything of monetary value from contractors, or parties to sub agreements

Since I am an employee of the Green Country Workforce Board would that mean Innovations Employment & Training LLC , in which I am a 51% owner would not able to bid this RFP? You would need to resign your position effective 11/30/2022 should your proposal be chosen.

Estimated In-Kind Costs Contributed Table in Attachment

Center Staffing (5 American Job Centers, 4 Satellites Offices)


  • 5 – OESC
  • 2 – WIOA


  • OESC – 13, including Veteran’s services
  • WIOA – 6
  • Job Corp – 1
  • Social Security Ticket to Work – 2
  • Department of Veterans Affairs – 1
  • Tulsa Responds – 1
  • Tulsa Job Corps – 1
  • GCWDB Staff – 6

Tahlequah AJC

  • OESC – 5
  • Title 1 – 1
  • ORO – 2
  • DHS – 1
  • DRS – 2
  • ODVA – 1
  • DVOP – 1
  • ABE – 1
  • Job Corp – 1

Muskogee AJC

  • OESC Staff – 4 ES & 1 DVOP (currently vacant)
  • WIOA – 4 (less one effective Nov. 1)

Okmulgee AJC

  • 5 – OESC
  • 1 – WIOA
  • 3 – DRS
  • 1 – DHS
  • 1 – GED
  • 1 – DVOP (Every other Tuesday)
  • 1 – Veteran Service Rep. (every Tuesday)

Wagoner Satellite

  • 1 WIOA on Tuesdays

Eufaula Satellite

  • 1 WIOA on Thursdays

Stillwell Satellite

  • 1 WIOA full time

Sallisaw WIOA

  • 1 WIOA full time

Traffic Counts August ’22

Green Country Works AJCFirst VisitOESCWIOAVetsODVAAmericanTulsa RespondABEDHSDRSTTWTROtherYouthTotal
Total for all Centers1108225716833450122536528811623013
Traffic Counts – August ’22 (Also included in Attachment)